2018 Constructions Trends

2018 Constructions Trends

Posted by Best Access Doors on 12th Sep 2018

Contractors in the construction industry know that while the history of architect and building has dictated and influenced their projects – certain trends continue to prove significant in dictating the design and construction of a building.

5 significant trends taking place across the design and construction of buildings today.

1. Sustainable Building – Where millennials are dominating the fields and industry, they are also bringing with them a movement to promote and market things that are green and sustainable in an attempt to protect and save the earth from any further demise. Contractors, builders, and architects are faced with the challenge of designing buildings and structures that are not only environmentally efficient but sustainable as well. This can be everything from using materials that are environmentally friendly or designs such as allowing and using natural light to promote heating and cooling. This consideration of building and designing for the ecologically conscientious can be a considerable feat for many – but one that provides excellent returns in the future.

2. Taking what’s was once old and making it new again – Look at any city skyline, and you will find aspects of historical buildings in present-day designs. Some of history is grandest buildings do till this day influence the future. In some parts of the US, many historical buildings have undergone a transformation to becoming luxury boutique hotels. In parts of Europe such as Amsterdam, their prisons have also been turned into hotels – giving the traveler a unique and rare lifetime experience. When history and innovation collide, it allows for contractors, engineers and construction workers to look at ways of preserving its once beautiful but making it relevant in today’s time and a grand masterpiece.

3. Update and Upgrade – So often contractors and builders believe the only way to build up is to take apart or break down a pre-existing building to build it up. The reality is, that is not the case. Rather, a building can be upgraded and updated with minor or semi-major updates. Upgrades can be anything from taking an existing wall and adding an access panel of sorts – or maybe taking down a wall to open up space. The challenge that comes from upgrading and improving an area can sometimes prove to be more cost-effective than just tearing down and building up. Are the walls looking outdated? Run down? Replacing them with access panels or installing an access panel can not only update the look and style but it creates functionality as well.

4. Multi-faceted Buildings – Contractors and investors are now buying various properties, and are slowly turning them into what is considered a multi-faceted or mixed-use building. This means that it can have offices for businesses and companies while also having residential apartments and rooms, plus more. Many Asian skylines are considered multi-faceted because they are hotels, apartments, malls and casinos all in one. This approach is resulting in contractors and designers to think outside the box and work with creativity and ingenuity.

5. Select servicing – Somewhat similar to mixed-use projects – choose servicing is where a building will have all the services within their customer or clients reach. The best way of understanding this is seeing a high-end hotel having the amenities one may find in a typical hotel like a gift shop, restaurant, etc. These small additions to the hotel suddenly make them more notorious for their amenities than the actual hotel and bedroom stay.

Whether it’s a mixed-use project or an upgrade, regardless of the project, Best Access Doors has a wide selection of access panels to help you on your next big project; from soundproof to secured, the options are endless – to view a variety of doors, check out our model numbers.