Understanding Sustainable Building in Four Principles

Understanding Sustainable Building in Four Principles

Posted by Best Access Doors on 8th Aug 2018

Today, many contractors, builders and clients are going green and eco-friendly, and sometimes, using green alternatives or green certified products can go a long way when it comes to building with sustainability in mind.

What does sustainable building mean?

Sustainable building or green building can be best defined as having the structure have the least if not minimal impact on the environment and surrounding in comparison to other similar structures. This means that architects and contractors alike look to design and build a structure which would most likely preserve if not compliment the present environment. For example, rather than have a cement structure that pollutes or uses non sustainable materials – the architect and contractor look at creating a structure that allows for natural light that is not invasive to the surrounding.

The best way to understanding sustainability and its impact on building design, Best Access Doors looks at five ways they make a difference to the skyline of any cityscape.

Usefulness is best defined as a building that will remain useful throughout time. For some buildings, when they are built they created with the sole purpose of meeting the demands and requirements of the client at the time. However, sometimes, the business can change or the company chooses to relocate or even expand – this means that the structure is either sold-off or abandoned. A building that is multi-faceted means that regardless of whoever the occupant is – whether it is commercial or residential, the building meets their needs. Imagine, an abandoned fire-hall that has been converted into an art gallery or an apartment, this is a prime example of usefulness for a building.

Permanence is a structure that regardless of when it was erected still manages to demonstrate its skyline power and appeal. Whether it’s modern, classical or abstract – a building built with sustainability in mind will demonstrate permanence.

Authenticity when a building is designed to serve its purpose that means it’s met its sense of place in its surroundings. A church that is built for the purpose of acting as a church and not an office or a business has met its requirements; however, if a building is designed and its purpose is nothing like what it represents then its sense of purpose is missing but also it doesn’t make it functional. This isn’t to say a building must be solely designed with just one purpose; however, a building that is flexible in style and use makes it last and makes it timeless.

Sense of Place – a building that completes a city landscape or rather seems incomplete without a building means that it has a sense of place. The structure compliments the environment and works within its surrounding. A building that is airy and allows for natural light respects the surrounding towers. For some architects and designers, building a structure that has a sense of place and is sustainable will often contribute or pay homage to the history of the area. Whether it be the materials or the overall architectural structural, a building that can meet a sense of place with sustainability is timeless and in a way elegantly memorable.

Best Access Doors offers products which can contribute to the LEED status. From  access panels to project assistance – Best Access Doors offers knowledgeable client services ready to help you whether it be online or on the call.

To view an array of eco-friendly and sustainable access panels, checkout our product page or to read more on building and design, check us out our blog page.