​3 Unavoidable Project Delays

​3 Unavoidable Project Delays

Posted by Best Access Doors on 5th Dec 2018

When it comes to the construction industry and building projects – precision and meet deadlines are essential. Contractors and project managers know that there are some things that can be within their control and delays that they can mitigate; however, in this industry, there are some delays that are unavoidable. 

Best Access Doors shares three unavoidable project delays that contractors and project managers must deal with regularly if not must cope with the delays they bring if not try to plan for them.


Depending on the location and what is being built weather can play everything from severe to mild and moderate delays. Weather, no matter how much one attempts to stay ahead and informed it can wreak havoc to the build and project. Such delays can include weather, that actually impacts staff from travelling to weather impacting the delay in products arriving. 

Weather can have an impact on the site as well as off-site which for contractors and builders is hard to control. The impact can sometimes result in clients having to wait longer for the project to finish – or worst case can lead to increased cost.

When the arrival of materials is delayed due to weather this cannot only delay the project but it can be a costly delay. Clients may be unforgiving because they feel contractors and builders should be able to work through the weather – the truth is, there are certain rules and regulations that must be met and followed by in the industry.

Material Shortage

To a client, they see their contractor and project manager as being able to take their vision and make it a reality. This means if they see a product or design they want they will demand to have it regardless of cost. The problem with this is that when a client has their mind set on something if there is a shortage of that material or if that material has been discontinued this can result in delays. It can also, if not properly accounted for in the budget planning and prepping add to unexpected costs on top of delays.

While some may think that avoiding project delays as a result of material shortage could be mitigated – the truth is, sometimes suppliers face shortages or delays that are also beyond their control. For example, contractors may go to a supplier for access panels and find that they have the model and material they are looking for; however, the size may not be available right away or there is a back order on the particular access panel required – this can result in delays especially if it the item, in this case, the access panel, is essential in the next steps of the build. 

For some contractors they will have more than one supplier for which they can go to; however, this could result in higher expenses. From having to pay a premium to have the item expedited to avoid any further delays. Material shortages can be costly financially and from a time perspective.

Staffing and Employees

For some contracting companies starting out, their biggest obstacle is staffing. It is ensuring that there are enough knowledge and reliable hands on site that when it comes to the building and pouring of the foundation, to the installs of access panels and windows – if there are not enough hands on deck it can result in project delays. Sometimes a project will begin with enough employees on-site; however, there are circumstances that can result in people leaving. 

The construction industry is one that experiences a high turnover rate when it comes to staffing and sometimes there is no way of predicting or knowing when one will lose 1 or 10 workers.

Employers in the construction industry can sometimes struggle to ensure that their jobs are fully equipped with the right number of workers to get the job done.

Delays – the sign of progress

While delays can cause grief for both contractors and clients, it can also be a sign of progress. For clients, they can perceive these delays as obstacles that don’t lead to progress or being any closer to the finished project but the reality is that delays can truly show the sign of progress on a project. 

Contractors and project managers try their best to ensure that a project goes off without a hitch; however, a proper contractor and project manager will actually factor in some buffer for possible delays – such as those listed.

Big or small, a proper contractor will always keep their clients informed of the progress or delays of a project. 

At Best Access Doors, we provide helpful tips and hints on how to avoid further project delays but also we provide resources for companies both big and small.