What Tools and Products Do Drywall Installers Use Every Day?

What Tools and Products Do Drywall Installers Use Every Day?

Posted by Best Access Doors on 12th Apr 2023

Whether you do this professionally or are just an average DIY user, drywall installers must have access to handy drywall equipment that helps you perform the installation task as quickly and efficiently as possible. Having the right tools and products and a little assistance can make the complicated job much easier to finish.

Hence, it would be best to take note of these seven essential drywall tools and products aiding you toward a seamless installation process. Furthermore, you'll also discover in this article the wide range of drywall access doors and panels you can attach using the following drywall equipment:

1. Automatic Drywall Taper

The automatic drywall taper is a convenient piece of equipment that makes applying joint compound and tape ten times easier, ensuring accuracy simultaneously. This instant taper tool cuts the installation process in half and simplifies it, making the entire procedure more precise.

Remember that wall and ceiling taper applications differ, specifically on corners. Just always lead the taper in the right direction to prevent silly mistakes. Meticulous taping is a must, as it is a basis for the compound to attach firmly to the internal angles.

2. Cordless Drill

Its mobility features make a cordless drill a must-have for drywall installers, meaning you can bring or operate it as you move. It no longer requires plugging, which makes fastening screws a swift task.

Moreover, this practical utility can set up the fastener itself, guaranteeing the tightness of the screws and alleviating your security concerns. Over-drilling that can damage the drywall's surface will also never be an issue because it automatically detects once screws are in a perfect place.

3. Drywall Knife

The drywall knife is one of the most vital tools when installing drywall, as it makes hanging the material possible. In fact, the knives' flat blades lay the drywall mud over the seams before drywall installers can seal them. You can also use this equipment to hide the frame holes of our drywall access panels Mud In Flange or Hidden Flange and Plaster Bead Flange with mud compound.

There's a wide array of drywall knives option available for you to choose from, depending on your needs. However, experts recommend you keep at least three drywall knives with different measurements to ensure precision.

  • 4-inch drywall knife
  • 6-inch drywall knife: The 6-inch drywall knife is for the initial application.
  • 12-inch drywall knife: The 6-inch drywall knife is for the final coating.

Remind yourself to clean the drywall knives, especially their inner blades. It would be best to eliminate the excess mud to maintain the seamless application over time. Furthermore, regular cleaning keeps the drywall knife away from rust issues.

4. Drywall Mixers

If you run out of the joint compound and the store is far from the site, you'll have no choice but to make one yourself. However, you need to purchase the proper equipment, like drywall mixers, which will aid you in mixing the mud. Afterward, buying large quantities of drywall is essential because more is always better for drywall application.

5. Drywall T-Square

Drywall installers must have a drywall T-square to measure accurately and cut precisely. It's important to note that a certain T-square tool size is appropriate for drywalling jobs that measure 48 inches or 4 feet long.

With this length, you no longer need to look for other measuring tools, as they can fit the entire drywall sheet, cutting its entire width. On the other hand, the horizontal part of the T-square goes beyond the drywall sheet's edge.

This equipment is also often utilized to measure and cut the drywall access doors and panels' opening, compatible with the frame and door size you bought. If your area demands a unique door size, worry not, as we at Best Access Doors can cater to your specific custom panel dimensions request. Send us all the essential order information, and we'll deliver it to your doorstep.

6. Jab Saw

During the drywall hanging phase, you'll need a tool that can perfectly cut about 6 to 8 inches long hole, and the jab saw is your best companion here. Its sharp tip and crude teeth exhibit 6-inch long blades that can strongly cut through thick drywalls.

Handle this tool carefully, as the razor-sharp edges can injure you. To cut correctly and safely, you must perpendicularly place the saw's end to the cutting surface.

7. Mud Pan

Lastly, drywall installers should have a mud pan, as it's the key to completing the drywall application task. It acts as a container mainly consisting of mud or a joint compound.

This way, you can bring it to the wall or ceiling area to apply a joint compound, saving you from walking back and forth just to get the mud compound you need. The pan's edges can also help to scrape off mud excess on your drywall knives, keeping the tool clean.

It doesn't matter if you complete this toolset or only buy some of it, as each product has individual functions that can boost the speed and efficiency of your work. Some of the product tools above can even accompany you in attaching these drywall panels on drywall walls or drywall ceilings:

  • Drywall Bead Flange: The drywall bead flange doors are best to install for facilities hiding behind a drywall wall, making contractors' jobs much easier as they no longer need to tear down the entire wall just to perform the necessary task.
  • Exposed Flange: The exposed flange drywall panels allow much more convenient access to plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems' maintenance, cleaning, and repair tasks, especially those placed behind walls and crawl spaces.
  • Flangeless: If flanges in access doors aren't your thing, our flangeless drywall model is ideal. It keeps the wires, cables, and other facilities concealed while maintaining an elegant appearance.
  • Flush: The flush drywall access panels, on the other hand, grant a 5/8 inch drywall inlay suiting the surrounding surfaces.

View our best sellers page to discover more drywall panel types that can address your building needs. Remember also to check out our shipping terms to estimate the total costs of your order, or call 800-483-0823 for any drywall product queries.

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Rely On The Best Access Doors With Top-Notch Products

Visit and explore Best Access Doors for high-quality products satisfying all your building facilities, particularly drywall surfaces. We guarantee to give you the most sought-after functionalities, durability, and aesthetic features that can significantly contribute to your structure's long-lasting value. 

Reach us online to inquire about a specific product or request a personalized quote when ordering in bulk. We're happy to assist you anytime!

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